Privacy Policy

Last Updated: | Reading Time: 5 minutes

Version: 2.1 Issue date: 2021-08-06

Portforward, Inc. ("us", "we", or "our") operates (the "site").

By using this website, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.

Portforward, Inc. is not interested in and does not collect any personal identification information about you as you visit our website.

We use standard apache web server logs that get purged nightly and site cookies to aid in navigation and processing of our shopping cart.

You can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site.

First Party Cookies

We use cookies on our sites to make your visit flow better from page to page. We do not store private information in cookies. We store session identifiers so that we can keep track of the last application or router that you looked at, which in turn enables us to show you the correct information for forwarding a port. We do not use this information for advertising and we do not share this information with others.

We use the following types of cookies:

Third Party Cookies

Our websites will set some third-party cookies, and we do not control the operation of any of them. The third-party cookies which may be set include:


We use third-party companies to serve ads when you visit These companies may use information about your visit in order to provide advertisements on this or other websites and other forms of media about goods and services that may be of interest to you.

We use Google AdSense on some pages to display ads. These ads can be either targeted or not targeted based on your preferences with both Google and us. Google asks that all ad publishers link to their Privacy & Terms web page.

We have enabled a feature in AdSense where Google will show only non-personalized ads to users in the EEA.

External Site Links

We link to other websites on the internet but we never include your information in these links. Content and Privacy Policies are the responsibility of their respective owners.

IP Addresses and Logging

Our server logs information about visitors including IP addresses, date/time visited, referring website, length of stay, etc. This information is used for site statistics only. We don't sell it or share it and the data is purged nightly.

If you purchase a product from us we record your IP address at the time of purchase so that when the software runs for the first time our server can pass your purchase information on to the software thereby making it easier to register the software. We store that IP address indefinitely with your user registration for both a convenience to re-authorize your software in the future, to answer support-related questions about when a purchase was made, to process refunds, and as a fraud prevention method.

We also store your IP address if you post any questions on our support system. This helps to enable us to find your user registration information in case it was forgotten and track fraudulent use in case it was stolen.

We keep IP address logs of registered users indefinitely.

Customer Information & Credit Card Transactions

In the event of a purchase we collect the following form submitted data:

The information that is provided to us in the event of a sale is stored in a local, secure database indefinitely. This includes your name, IP Address, mailing address, and the last 4 digits of your credit card number. We do not store your entire credit card number or your CCV code.

The first and last name, zip code, and address are used by the payment processor to prevent fraud. They are also available to our support staff to help customers find their registration information. We do not sell or share this information for any reason.


If you leave a comment on one of our articles, then we log the IP address, submitted name, submitted email address, date, and the comment that you submit. We also set a cookie with the submitted name and email address, so that future comments are easier to submit. Comments are not displayed until a moderator approves them. Your email address is used to display your gravatar, if one is configured.

If you want to have a comment deleted, please submit the following information:

If the information you provide matches a comment in our system, then it will be removed within 7 days. Please note that we do not display email addresses, and the only way to request removal of a comment is to know the corresponding email address.

Submit all comment removal requests to our Support System.

GDPR and Data Protection Officers

We believe that our site is fully compliant with the GDPR. We are not in the business of processing data on individuals and as such do not believe that we need a Data Protection Officer. We have made a good faith effort to update our site and make it fully compliant with GDPR. If you believe that our site is not compliant please do not hesitate to get ahold of us in our Support System and let us know. Simply create an account and post a message asking for Jason Bauer and someone will forward your request to me.